
From Editor to Pro Drone Pilot To YouTuber: Interview with Trent Palmer of the CopterKids

From a video editor, to a pro drone pilot, to becoming a top notch YouTuber, Trent Palmer from the Copter Kids is the perfect example of following your passions to living the life you want to live each and every day. I had the opportunity to chat with Trent and ask him about his journey, what motivates him, share some battle stories, and some advice he would give to anyone looking to turn their passion into their job. This is a really great discussion for anyone who is looking to step outside of their comfort zone and to go get after it.

Check out Trent and his channels below!

Please be sure to check out my social channels for more info regarding drones, emerging tech, and unmanned aviation.

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Soldering Iron Showdown: $10 vs $1,000 Soldering Iron! Which Is The Best For You?

I do a lot of soldering. A LOT! Whether it’s soldering wires onto printed circuit boards, or soldering battery leads on a lithium pack, soldering is just part of the game when it comes to anything that is powered by electricity. I often get asked what my soldering setup of choice is and why…

In this video I cover four popular soldering irons, in four different price categories. The range is from $10 to over $1,000! They include the LDK, Weller WLC100, Hakko FX888D and the monster Weller WX2. Which is my favorite? Which is best for you? Tune in to find out!

Is there another soldering iron I should have considered for the test? Which is your favorite? Leave a comment below!



Please be sure to check out my social channels for more info regarding drones, emerging tech, and unmanned aviation.

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Which Drone Shots Pay The Most? Interview with Paul Prescott from Amazing Aerial Agency

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Paul Prescott, CEO of Amazing Aerial Agency, located all the way in Croatia. Amazing Aerial Agency is a repository of curated stock footage, both drone photos and videos. This stock footage is purchased by magazines, publishing companies, news outlets, etc. for royalty free use. The best part about it? Drone pilots just like you get paid to create the content!

If you are looking to get paid for flying your drone, this is a really interesting discussion where we dive into what makes content great, which kind of footage is worth more than others, and how to get involved. If you want to learn more, head to Amazing Aerial Agency, reach out to them and tell him you want to be a contributor! Oh yeah, tell them I sent you 🙂

Please be sure to check out my social channels for more info regarding drones, emerging tech, and unmanned aviation.

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Continuing the FAA Remote ID Discussion with Paul Aitken from the Drone U Podcast

I recently had the pleasure of chatting with Paul Aitken from the Drone U podcast, as we continued the discussion of Remote ID. Like my conversation with Kenji Sugahara in the most recent High Voltage Podcast, Paul and I discuss just how this would affect different sectors in unmanned aviation, from hobbyists, to professional drone operators, to small manufacturers like myself. This is a really interesting interview and it was really a great time chatting with Paul… I can’t wait to be back!

If you enjoyed this content, please be sure to subscribe, tell your friends and leave a review!

Be sure to check out Drone U for tons more content- as they put out a podcast just about every day!


MORE ABOUT REMOTE ID: In December of 2019, the FAA released a 300+ page document that proposed what they call “Remote ID”, which in essence is a set of rules that would allow them to monitor the airspace here in the United States for all remotely controlled aircraft. Basically, this is a regulation that would affect everyone in the unmanned aircraft community, whether you are a recreational Radio Controlled Airplane pilot who flies at the local AMA flying field, all the way to the likes of an Amazon looking to do unmanned package deliveries.

Here is the link for more information and how to leave a comment:

Please be sure to check out my social channels for more info regarding drones, emerging tech, and unmanned aviation.

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“Hobbyists Got Screwed” Breaking Down The FAA Remote ID Proposal With Kenji Sugahara

In December of 2019, the FAA released a 300+ page document that proposed what they call “Remote ID”, which in essence is a set of rules that would allow them to monitor the airspace here in the United States for all remotely controlled aircraft. Basically, this is a regulation that would affect everyone in the unmanned aircraft community, whether you are a recreational Radio Controlled Airplane pilot who flies at the local AMA flying field, all the way to the likes of an Amazon looking to do unmanned package deliveries. To be honest, I sat down and read the document myself but let’s face it – most of it just went over my head.

So, I figured it would be best to chat with someone who is an expert on the subject! In a recent interview for my High Voltage Podcast, I sit down with my friend Kenji Sugahara, who is the perfect person to chat with to discuss this matter.

Kenji is technically a lawyer who passed the bar exam, but because his passion for flying and operating drones outweighs his passion for practicing law, he now works full time in his business A-Cam Aerials located in Oregon. Instead of sitting in a courtroom or office all day, he and his team spend their days out in the Pacific Northwest shooting movies, TV shows and commercials with drones. As a member of the Federal Aviation Rulemaking Committee, he was involved with providing the FAA with some insight as to some possible rules that would allow drones to operate in National Airspace safely and effectively. Did the FAA take into account the advice he and the others provided for this rule making? Well – no, they didn’t.

In this interview, we discuss how the FAA’s proposed Remote ID system would affect hobbyists, UAV operators such as himself, and small aircraft manufactures like myself. Just how bad will it be? With these proposed rules, to put it in Kenji’s words, “Hobbyists Got Screwed”. Listen in and get a sense for how these new proposed rules would affect you, however you are involved with unmanned aviation.

Now, what do we do about it??? The FAA has a comment period that is open until March 2, 2020 (only 25 days from the time this is being posted). So, if you have not commented on the proposed set of rules and explain to the FAA how this would affect you personally, please be sure to do so! Remember, as Kenji states in the end of the video, don’t just slam the FAA and tell them how they are ruining your life – be sure to point out both the good and bad.

Lastly, DO NOT COPY AND PASTE a comment from the AMA or any other organization! This will be treated as one comment and not help move the needle.

Here is the link for more information and how to leave a comment:

Please be sure to check out my social channels for more Q&A notifications so you can get in a question for the next one.


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Interview with Stephen Glaus on the Unmanned Uncovered Podcast

I recently had the pleasure of being on the Unmanned Uncovered Podcast hosted by Stephen Glaus. In this interview we had a great chat about how I got started in the industry, drones for good, what we are up to at Watts Innovations, and all things unmanned. In addition we go into detail about how to continue moving forward after a certain business or business model doesn’t quite succeed. This gives a bit more insight as to what I have been up to in the past few years and I hope you enjoy it! 

For anyone in the unmanned aviation space I highly encourage you to check out Stephen’s Unmanned Uncovered podcast!


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Episode 2: Beau Rials

Beau Rials is a world-class host of Direct Response Television Marketing programs. Simply put – he is a “Pitchman” for As Seen on TV Commercials. Beau has hosted over 170 infomercials for various products ranging from golf clubs to kitchen mops, with a little bit of everything in between. Starting as a radio personality on the west coast, he broke out in the world of infomercial hosting and the rest is history.

In the second High Voltage podcast, Bobby & Beau chat about his experience in this fascinating industry, some of the most popular As Seen On TV products ever sold, his most successful product he ever pitched, and what inventors should know about inventing a product for mass markets. 

Run-time: 1:10:22


Beau’s Website

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Episode 1: Jordy Klein

Jordy Klein is a cinematographer best known for his underwater and aerial filming. Raised in Florida by a father who was a pioneer in underwater filming, Jordy took what his father taught him and brought it to another level. He uses any means necessary to get the shot, whether that means attaching a camera to a drone, car, crane, helicopter- you name it.

In the first ever High Voltage Podcast interview, Bobby and Jordy discuss growing up in the film business, Jordy being in THREE helicopter crashes, work-life balance as a full time cinematographer, and turning your passions into your profession.

Runtime: 1:02:35


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