I get this question all the time: “I am really interested in getting into the drone business, but how do I start?” Most people who ask this question already have their FAA Part 107 certificate but just have no idea how to get jobs.
Being in the drone service provider industry for almost a decade taught me many things: jobs are tough to get. But… once you get your foot in the door and prove that you know your stuff, jobs are more likely to come your way.
Here’s a brief audio clip that explains in my opinion the best way to get started. It’s extremely simple and is only three steps:
1) Buy a drone and become the best pilot in the world. Literally fly every day and become the best at your craft.
2) Become FAA Part 107 certified (or similar in your country)
3) Use the internet & social media (Twitter, Google, Instagram, LinkedIn) to search for professional drone operators and businesses in your area. Contact them and ask to work for free. Offer to help, go on some jobs with them, see where you can add value to their business. Within no time you will be positioning yourself to either add to their team or take your newfound knowledge and do your own thing.
I hope this helps!