
5 Ways Not To Lose Your Mind While Working From Home

The last week has been… well… unprecedented. For many of us, the looming illness that has been spreading around the world the last few months is starting to hit home and affecting our daily lives in more ways we can imagine. However, life must go on!

For many, employers are asking their employees to begin telecommuting… AKA, work from home. Those three words can have many implications like excitement, fear, borderline insanity, instability, you name it. As an engineer, I can’t offer all that much help during this time in the way of medical assistance, but having worked from home for the last 10 years off and on, this is right up my alley.

In this podcast I break down 5 important factors that I have found that increase my productivity while working from home and really make it an enjoyable experience. Number 1 is so so important, I can’t stress it enough.

If you currently do work from home, do you do some of the same things? Any other tips I may have missed? I hope this will help all of you out who will be encountering this.

And a HUGE shutout to everyone in the medical community including nurses, doctors, dietitians, receptionists – anyone in the health community who is on the front lines for the next few months. Nothing but respect and good wishes to you all and THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO! Wishing everyone nothing but love and good health at this time.

Please be sure to check out my social channels for more info regarding productivity, entrepreneurship and tech.

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